Thursday, June 26, 2008

EcoGeek raves about Nanosolar, a new startup developing the so-called "Third Wave" of solar technology. Founded by two Stanford Ph.D. candidates, Nanosolar offered to bring the cost of solar energy down cheaper than coal. And now, after raising $150 million in capital and building a factory in Germany, they're talking $2/Watt -- squeeking just below coal's $2.1/Watt.

This is big news. And important news. The real alternatives to fossil fuels rely on renewable energy sources. And the real answer to re-greening the planet comes from developing countries switching from coal-fired plants to something sustainable. If the cost of solar power drops below that of coal, we'll see countries like China and India moving away from fossil fuels, and this is where the huge environmental gains are going to be made.

You can read more about Nanosolar in this New York Times article, this National Post article, and on the company's website.

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