Sunday, May 27, 2007

Strangest Disaster of the 20th Centruy

Things like this story is what this blog was originally about.

I used to do a remaindered link section on my other blog on Sundays, where I'd round up the interesting links I wanted to share with people. I do a lot of surfing: more than any of my friends, and, some of them tell me, more than anyone they know. Because of this, I end up with a lot of interesting sites that I want to share with people. And because I don't do e-mail forwards, it all led to this.


This is a great story about a natural disaster that resulted in the death of nearly 1,800 humans and thousands of animals. I'm not going to say what it is here, because the story is very well-written; but it's not earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, viruses, or exploding tanks of molasses (which was my original guess on what the disaster was). It's even stranger than when Lake Peigneur got sucked into that salt mine (and if you're not going to read about it, at least watch the video)!


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