Thursday, July 06, 2006

Free Text Messaging Service

I think I may be one of the last people on the face of the earth without a cell phone. The problem is that I want the gadgets but I don't want to be in constant contact. I leave my house to get away from the phone, not to take it with me.

"You should get a cell phone," my buddy Rob said, "so I can text you." Texting has somehow become the "killer app" of cell phones, which I find especially hilarious because cell phones already have a brilliant and perfectly natural method of communication built in. But texting is fun, so they tell me, and in some places it's far cheaper than standard cell phone rates, so that explains much of its popularity.

But even without a cell phone, I can use txtDrop to text message my friends for free. The site is very straight-forward, with only three fields to fill out and a button to push. Now I'm half-way home: if I can find a good site that will let me receive texts, I may not need a cell phone after all (but I will need a wireless card for my Palm).


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