Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hanzi Smatter

Hanzi Smatter is a blog dedicated to the misuse of Chinese characters in western society. In particular, it features a number of tattoos of Chinese characters and what the actual translation of those characters is. Most times the translation is hilariously different from what the person believed it was supposed to be.

The problems come from the popularity of Chinese characters as tattoos and the fact that few tattoo artists can read Chinese. The complexity of the written language and liberal artistic license, where lines are changed or added to suit a particular design, can completely change the meaning of a character. The lesson, of course, is that the books lie. Be sure to check and re-check your symbol with real Chinese readers before you have "small harvest" etched indelibly on your shoulder.

Some people suggest that this misuse of the language is a slight against Chinese culture. But while Chinese characters have been viewed as trendy and exotic in western society for about 15 years, it's interesting to note that the trend among Chinese and Japanese youth is to get tattoos with western writing, and I sincerely doubt that the same accusations would be leveled for the misuse of English. Still, I can't help but wonder if they're having problems with homonyms and idioms that don't translate well.

Link (Thanks photogfrog!)

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