Monday, April 17, 2006

Playing The Game

The Game is difficult to describe, but here goes. Imagine yourself and five friends barreling around a major metropolitan city in a rented van for 32 straight hours while solving insanely difficult puzzles and engaging in an assortment of tasks designed to test your mental and physical stamina, an event combining elements of road rallies, scavenger hunts, and "Mind Olympics" competitions. That doesn'’t exactly describe the Game, but it'’s as good a description as any.

Matt Baldwin, the brilliant character who writes Defective Yeti, participated in The Game and wrote a wonderful three-part story about his experience. You remember The Game, don't you? It was based on a movie starring Michael J. Fox (Midnight Madness), and inspired a movie of the same name starring another Michael, Michael Douglas. Matt's stories are fun reading and really draw out the desire to jump in and start solving puzzles. If you're looking for more background to The Game, Wikipedia (big surprise) has a good article on it.

Link to The Game (via The Morning News)
Link to The Game at Wikipedia

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