Thursday, June 08, 2006

Build Your Memory

I've been using mnemonic techniques like this for years -- ever since I saw Harry Lorraine on Amazing Discoveries, actually. And while they make for fun parlour tricks, like memorizing 20 (or more!) license plates on my walk to work, I haven't actually achieved much success with them. When you read about top memory experts, they all use these techniques or slight variations, so I'm probably just not practicing enough or using them consistently.

But for people unfamiliar with these memory techniques, this is a well-documented and easy to understand resource with lots of examples, allowing you to jump right in and start improving your memory immediately. And yes, these tips will allow you to perform dumb stunts like memorize the order of an entire deck of cards, as well as not-so-dumb stunts like remembering the names and phone numbers of the 15 people you met at last night's dinner party.


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