Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sudoku Combat

Like I really need another diversion in my life.

I often find myself playing sudoku on my Palm with this excellent software. It's a very addictive game; when I gave Heather my Tungsten|T for her birthday, she said, "Yay! Now I can play sudoku!"

So now there's Sudoku Combat, a simple site that pits your /\/\4D 5K!11zorz against some random opponent. The game is very easy to operate: type in a name and start the fun. It must set a cookie in your browser, because your settings and ranking are saved when you leave the site.

There are about 100 different avatars to choose from, and some are pretty funny. There's also four levels of sudoku to provide a challenge, from "easy" to "evil". And if you don't feel up to a head-to-head challenge, you can always choose to play by yourself.

Now, I'm not very fast at solving the puzzles, so most of the people I played handily kicked my ass. But it was still a lot of fun, and I expect it to eat up a lot of my free time in the coming weeks.


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